Leadership What Do You Stand For

I look for examples of great leadership and learn from them.  Lolly Daskal has written a great blog abour that Lolly Daskal on leadership.   As Project X matures the committment to deliver value rapidly to the client drives all our actions.  Our understan

Accepting Myself Deeply and Completely

One of the challenges we all face is accepting our imperfections. I have just spent two weeks trying to help out with a friend who is facing some real life challenges.  However I know that I made some mistakes in the process and I keep second guessing myself.  I have to be


&$#%ing commuting! we all hate it and yet we all do it. we are in the habit of getting in our car and driving to work. bumper to bumper. stop and go. traffic. oh, how we hate it. I suspect a good number of us don’t have to do it. we could work from home or a local library or

Setting Positive Goals

"I am going to lose weight," "I am going to quit smoking,"    Why don't these resolutions work?   I think our unconcsious does not recognize negatives because it sees things as images.  The only images these thought evoke are images of w

Who Will I Be When I Grow Up?

Dreams are problem solving metaphors.  Nightmares are unacceptable solutions.   Alfred Adler proposed these ideas as an explanation of the purpose of dreams. Recently I have been having dreams that leave me with a feeling of being lost.  One deals with being on the t

Four Tips for Being Present

I wrote the blog below in December 2005 and am now reflecting on my progress.  Being present is an ongoing process not a destination.  Things I now learned are: Continuous connected breathing requires practice Create a ritual or habit for meditation with breathing Set an i

7 Consulting Lessons Learned

These lessons have been learned in school of hard knocks in consulting.  Would like to see my scars?  Readiness – People only do what they are ready and willing to do. Hidden factors – Many important factors are hidden. The clients are always right – Even

6 Books I Enjoyed Recently

Here is a list of some books I have enjoyed recently.  Most are non-fiction. 1.  Outliers by Malcolm Gradwell – A great book about way some people stand out from the crowd.  The reasons are very surprizing.  Q&A with Gladwell 2.  Drive by Dan Pi

6 Books I Have Enjoyed

Here is a list of some books I have enjoyed recently.  Most are non-fiction. 1.  Outliers by Malcolm Gradwell – A great book about way some people stand out from the crowd.  The reasons are very surprizing.  Q&A with Gladwell 2.  Drive by Dan Pi

Be Curious and Understand Context – Ask Questions

Do you know the context for the work you are doing?   How does it fit in the great scheme of things?   I am often amazed how little we appreciate how the projects we are doing fit with the business.  Example – Value of Outsourcing An interesting personal exampl