The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Discussion Part 3

One of the things that can really bring a team together is adversity.  I think we have all been in difficult situations with others and the experience of the team pulling together is something we will never forget.  When we first formed our consulting company, survival was

Listening with Heart

I could not resist reposting this great blog on listening by Lolly Daskal.  I think the key point is an attitude of curiousity and learning. "Who was the last person who actually listened to you?  �

The Bagpiper

Could not resist posting this.  Try to read it to someone else with a straight face.  I could not.   "As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends

Do You Understand Entropy?

I am reading "Information"  and it talks about entropy.  I thought it was just me that did not understand why all these references to entrophy which is something to do with thermodynamics.  Turns out I am not the only one.  The book talks about lots o

Learning from Our Mistakes

When I have a good game of golf I am very happy and often have the passing thought, "What am I doing right."  All I know the ball is going in the hole with fewer shots and I am not getting into trouble.  I never go to my golf pro and ask him what am I doing right

Tom Peters on Excellence

Great quote from Tom Peters of In Search of Excellence fame "In Search of Excellence basics in 127 characters including quotation marks and spaces:"Cherish your people, cuddle your customers, wander around, 'try it' beats 'talk about it,' pursue excellence, t

Project X Ltd Looking for Business Analysts

Would you like to work in a growing boutique consulting company?  We specialize in Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing.  The field is both challenging and dynamic, with lots of opportunity for growth.   Do you feel lost in a large organization?  We treat

Six Questions to Answer On Leadership

Here are six questions to ask yourself from Ken Blanchard’s book Leading at a Higher Level: 1. Who have been the leadership influencers in your life? 2. What is your overall purpose, and what do you want to accomplish? 3. What are your core values? 4. What are

Are You Developing Professionally

My business partner, Harvey Gellman, would often ask people who came for his help, "What have you learned lately?"   A item from the HBR Take Responsibility for Your Professional Development gave some simple advice on this topic.   Meet two former cow

Multitasking Is It Productive?

As a mamnagement consultant working on many projects at the same time was necessary.  I found however if I focused exclusively on one task I was much more productive.   I recently read an article that confirmed this.Myth of Multitasking With people and technology people do