I’d like to begin this blog series with an introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and outline the topics to be covered in the subsequent weeks.
Amazon started offering IT services in 2006, giving businesses an opportunity to decrease their IT infrastructure costs by moving to their Cloud environment. Traditionally, businesses would need to budget and plan for purchasing expensive servers, hire the appropriate IT staff personnel and support packages for their IT department. This would result in purchasing equipment that will become obsolete and the business is still paying for the equipment even when the servers are not being used.
Today, Amazon is offering businesses a new way of managing their IT infrastructure with pay-as-you-go pricing. Businesses can now subscribe to on-demand computing resources in the Cloud and interact with these resources as if the server was on-premises within the IT department.
Amazon Web Services is currently supporting thousands of businesses in 190 countries around the world. They are able to do this with their low-cost, scalable and highly reliable infrastructure platform that is solely based in the Cloud.
Throughout the course of this blog series, I’m going to discuss the benefits of moving your business’ IT infrastructure into AWS and highlight some of the key doubts and concerns each business would have when thinking about moving to the Cloud.
The following topics will be covered in the coming weeks:
Stay Tuned!
Business Development Manager
Project X Ltd.
External Sources:
1. http://docs.aws.amazon.com/gettingstarted/latest/awsgsg-intro/gsg-aws-intro.html
2. https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/
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