Dreams Coming True

Christmas and the holiday season is a magic time.  I thnk Santa Claus exists as the spirit of giving.  

Most of us want to reach out to those we love at this time.  I think because we have such short days we reach out to the ones we love.  However the days getting longer are a sign of hope.

I think we all should set goals and dream dreams.  The more we can vilualize them and make them real the closer they get.  

I am always amazed how many times I have set goals and they have come true.  Sometimes they come in unexpected ways.  

For example, being in the consulting business, I thought I was going to consult into the sunset even after CGI bought Gellman Hayward.  I did not think the shares would do anything.  Then Bell Canada took a 25% interest in CGI and the stock took off.  I was then able to retire comfortably.  

I have lots of others but some are very personal.  I am thankful for them all.

What are your dreams?

  1. Jim Hayward Reply

    Thanks for your comment.
    I also dreamed of having a company with my name on it and I formed Gellman, Hayward & Partners in 1974.
    I dreamed of a happy family and I think we have that.
    I dreamed of a good golf game and I am having fun and it is sometimes good.
    And ……
    What are your dreams?

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