I Don’t Have Time

When somebody tells you don't have time, what do they mean?  Time is an interesting commodity.  We all have twenty-four hours in every day, not a second more or less.  The real issue is what we do with that time.  So what do people mean, when they say "I don't have time."

I do not mean to be smart about this but they really mean that what is proposed is not a priority for me.  Unfortunately most people do not think of the answer that way and do not think it through.  They likely mean their "To Do" list or calendar is full.  We often do not distinguish between things that are important and things that are urgent.  

We all have very busy lives and we fill our days.  Do we have control of our time or do we allow the world to control us?  The key question is are we doing the most important things or are we just continually putting out fires?

These are difficult issues and ones that we all struggle with.  So next time you think or say "I don't have time", pause and consider what you really mean.  Do we really mean that the item is not as important as how we are filling our time?

The other side of the coin is being able to say "no" when things really are not important.   


  1. Jim Hayward Reply

    Online Jobs
    The difficult thing to realize is we have a much time as we are going to get. Thanks for the comment.

  2. online jobs Reply

    yup! your right! we have 24 hours to do things that we need to do, but sometimes we need to sacrifice some things to have much lot time to one thing and I think that is reasonable.

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