Trying New Things

One of the favorite parts of my job is being able to participate in doing new and interesting things.  This can be new technology, new approaches or just stepping outside my comfort zone.

I really strongly suggest you find ways in your life to get a chance to do this.  Make sure you have a communication plan and a way to work with others so that you do not frustrate them or yourselves.  But go out and try it.  Make sure you have your personal guidelines.  Here are some of mine:

  1. Ensure you know what your objective is
  2. Surround yourself with REALLY smart people
  3. If you fail, fail fast so you have more time to recover
  4. Do not be affraid to make mistakes
  5. Communicate and communicate often.  Remember that often we are all getting exposed to new things and need to adjust our perspectives and filters
  6. Define success and completion
  7. Have fun

For those who know me, they know I generally have about 7 new things on the go, and they are areas I am passionate about.  I also have a bunch of folks that I link with that are equally as curious on other things and we share.  This isn't all about what I do, but on a rounded life (like cooking, family, home projects, you name it).

Most of all embrace it and make it your own.

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