Partner Sales Training At MicroStrategy HQ

Just before Halloween I had the opportunity to travel down to Tysons Corner, Virginia and attend the Partner Sales Academy at MicroStrategy headquarters. As a MicroStrategy Partner, we not only have the opportunity to promote and work with a best in class BI tool, we also get to parti

What is Big Data?

This is a question that comes up all the time. I was recently away at a conference where we discussed this topic in great detail for a couple of hours and at the end I think we had a view of the concept of big data, but no common definition. One of the funniest analogies of big data w

Proper Project Communication is Key…right?

I was chatting with a friend recently about a project she is on that she described in her own words as a ‘master disaster’ – timelines in jeopardy, cost overruns, unrealistic expectations, and frustrated team. I thought back to my own experiences and research and my first

Project Plans and the SDLC

As we all know every project starts with a plan.  It is crucial to have a roadmap to guide you on any endeavour that you plan to undertake.  As it is said, if you don’t have a plan then you plan to fail.  Of course, we need to have a plan that depicts your objectives and incorporates

data scientist 2

this is a second note on the role of data scientist… some links to Harvard Business Review

Insegni Centre and Project X Labs Announce Joint Social Intelligence Offering

We are so thrilled today to be announcing that Insegni Centre has partnered with Project X Labs to create a joint offering in the area of Social Intelligence, called LikeInsight. See cross post here Social Intelligence you ask?  Think Social Media Data + Business Intelligence! I

Project X Labs Announces Latest GeoDash 2

We are pleased to announce while we are down at MicroStrategy World that the latest version of GeoDash is now generally available.  You can see the press release here. Stay tuned for some videos of it in use.  In the meantime, here is the new value for clients at the same

Project X Ltd launches Project X Labs

Project X Ltd is pleased to announce the formation of Project X Labs Ltd a wholly owned subsidiary software development lab. See the release .  Also feel free to drop by  

The beginning of the end for Data Warehousing ?

Some of you may be surprised to read I've recently become less religious about Teradata. That's not because Teradata has declined or it's competitors have improved significantly. It's mainly because I see the market moving toward realtime and near realtime reporting. T

Be Curious and Understand Context – Ask Questions

Do you know the context for the work you are doing?   How does it fit in the great scheme of things?   I am often amazed how little we appreciate how the projects we are doing fit with the business.  Example – Value of Outsourcing An interesting personal exampl