When I was about 12 years old I set off early with my bosum buddy early to go fishing with Jack Sampson, who was an adult friend of my buddy. The plan was we would get our row boat at a pond and take it out to the river and take it across the river to a favourite fishing area.
Are my thoughts attracting things I do not want? A close friend is exhibiting some very self destructive behavior and I am quite pessimistic about the outcome. Are you on a project that you are very pessimistic about the outcome. Do you find it difficult to keep your "ends
When I have a good game of golf I am very happy and often have the passing thought, "What am I doing right." All I know the ball is going in the hole with fewer shots and I am not getting into trouble. I never go to my golf pro and ask him what am I doing right
Great quote from Tom Peters of In Search of Excellence fame "In Search of Excellence basics in 127 characters including quotation marks and spaces:"Cherish your people, cuddle your customers, wander around, 'try it' beats 'talk about it,' pursue excellence, t
I look for examples of great leadership and learn from them. Lolly Daskal has written a great blog abour that Lolly Daskal on leadership. As Project X matures the committment to deliver value rapidly to the client drives all our actions. Our understan
One of the challenges we all face is accepting our imperfections. I have just spent two weeks trying to help out with a friend who is facing some real life challenges. However I know that I made some mistakes in the process and I keep second guessing myself. I have to be
&$#%ing commuting! we all hate it and yet we all do it. we are in the habit of getting in our car and driving to work. bumper to bumper. stop and go. traffic. oh, how we hate it. I suspect a good number of us don’t have to do it. we could work from home or a local library or
"I am going to lose weight," "I am going to quit smoking," Why don't these resolutions work? I think our unconcsious does not recognize negatives because it sees things as images. The only images these thought evoke are images of w
Dreams are problem solving metaphors. Nightmares are unacceptable solutions. Alfred Adler proposed these ideas as an explanation of the purpose of dreams. Recently I have been having dreams that leave me with a feeling of being lost. One deals with being on the t